Whole Foods goes with the wind

<img width="120" height="120" align="left" src="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/images/articles/20060330223933856_1.jpg" alt="">By Bruce Horovitz, USA TODAY

Whole Foods Market is about to put some serious wind in its sales.

The trend-setting, natural foods grocery chain on Wednesday will announce plans to become the largest buyer of wind energy credits in North America by purchasing credits equal to 100% of its projected energy use for 2006.

That will make Whole Foods the only Fortune 500 company to purchase renewable energy credits

<a href="http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2006-01-09-whole-foods-usat_x.htm">http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2006-01-09-whole-foods-usat_x.htm</a>;

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