Less Pollution on City Sidewalks than Streets

<img width="89" height="120" align="left" src="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/images/articles/20060117023547729_1.gif" alt="">&quot;On average, taxi passengers were exposed to more than 100,000 ultrafine particle counts per cubic centimeter. Bus travelers were exposed to just under 100,000 and people in cars about 40,000.&quot;

&quot;Pedestrians and bicyclists, meanwhile, were exposed to counts of just 5,000 and 8,000, respectively.&quot;

Bjorn Carey
LiveScience Staff Writer
Mon Jan 16, 1:00 PM ET

<a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060116/sc_space/lesspollutiononcitysidewalksthanstreets">http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060116/sc_space/lesspollutiononcitysidewalksthanstreets</a>;

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