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  • Bicycle Compatible Roadway Design Treatments (1,517)
    New Jersey
  • Bicycle Facility Selection Guide (1,302)
    Transportation professionals and advocates don't always agree on the answer to this common question. Is a bike lane better than a path or a wider lane with no stripe? There is no simple answer and a lot depends on the unique circumstances of a particular roadway in a particular community. But, by reviewing more than 20 bicycle facility selection guides from the US and other countries, consultant Michael King's latest report for the PBIC suggests that there are indeed some common ranges or parameters within which different bicycle facility types seem to work best.
  • Bicycle Level of Comfort (BLOC) Results Statewide (1,213)
    Inventory of general road conditions for bike/peds statewide.
  • Bicycle Level of Service Evaluation Update & Pedestrian Level of Service Evaluation (1,685)
    Evaluates the suitability, or Level of Service, for bicycling and walking on a network of 1400+ miles of roadway in the Baltimore region.
  • PA (1,393)
    This study focused on improving safety for trail users
  • Primer on Bicycle Level of Service (1,336)
    The Bicycle Level of Service (Bicycle LOS) Model is the statistically-reliable method of evaluating the bicycling conditions of shared roadway environments. It uses the same measurable traffic and roadway factors that transportation planners and engineers use for other travel modes. With statistical precision, the Model clearly reflects the effect on bicycling suitability or