-&gt; According to the October FHWA's Fostering Livable Communities Newsletter, &quot;AARP Livable Communities has partnered with the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute to create the AARP Livability Fact Sheet series, a package of comprehensive, easy-to-read livability resources (<a href=""></a>;). The fact sheets can be used by community leaders, policy makers, transportation planners, citizen activists, and others to learn what makes a city, town, or neighborhood a great place for people of all ages...

&quot;Each fact sheet in the 11-part series is a four-page PDF document that can be read online or printed and distributed... Each fact sheet follows the same structure: introduce the subject; address and resolve any myths and misconceptions; and then provide relevant advice, tips, and success stories...
&quot;The series covers the following topics: Bicycling, Density, Economic Development, Form-Based Code, Modern Roundabouts, Parking, Revitalization Without, Road Diets, Sidewalks, Street Trees, Traffic Calming.&quot;

Source: <a href=""></a>;

from CenterLines, the e-newsletter of the National Center for Bicycling &amp; Walking.

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