9 Things Drivers Need to Stop Saying in the Bikes vs. Cars Debate

By Adam Mann, Wired

1. Cyclists always break the law
Sitting on a bike seat doesn’t somehow turn you into a monster anymore than getting behind the wheel does.
2. Roads are designed for cars
3. Cyclists are dangerous
4. There’s not enough room for bike lanes without causing gridlock
5. Cyclists just want everyone to stop driving
6. Drivers pay for roads so they should get priority
7. Cycling is a fad
8. There’s a war on cars
9. People absolutely need cars to get around

<a href="http://www.wired.com/2014/11/9-things-drivers-need-stop-saying-bikes-vs-cars-debate/">http://www.wired.com/2014/11/9-things-drivers-need-stop-saying-bikes-vs-cars-debate/</a>;

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