-&gt; According to a Sept. 10th Streetsblog article, &quot;...What if every new bicycle facility were built with the intent of being useful to a young girl? If it were, wouldn't it be good enough for the rest of us, too? That's why, at the Pro Walk/Pro Bike/Pro Place conference this week, we're launching a new concept to help guide our work. Build it for Isabella (<a href=""></a>;).
&quot;Isabella ... is 12. She likes cartwheels, Instagram photos with her best friend, and ice cream cones. Sometimes she even likes school. But without someone to drive her around, she can't enjoy those things, because of the way her neighborhood's busier streets are built. The ultimate goal of the Green Lane Project and, we'd argue, of all modern bicycle infrastructure is to let Isabella go where she wants. Not every bike project will be able to serve Isabella. Some streets are just too narrow. Some budgets are just too thin.
&quot;But if any new bike project isn't good enough for Isabella, we would argue that it should have a pretty clear reason why not. As Green Lane Project Director Martha Roskowski wrote in January, it's time to stop building black diamond bike lanes...&quot;
Source: <a href=""></a>;

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