[B' Spokes: I try to avoid quoting articles in their entirety but this is just too close to home. Having nice places to ride are nice but the real issue is are they accessible by the majority of the population? And the Baltimore metro area is notably lacking such amenities. And you don't have to go that far to get bicycling accommodation envy, Montgomery County and DC are way ahead of us and not just in miles of bikeways but also in things you would like to ride on. Sure they have a few things you have to take with a grain of salt but too much of our cycling infrastructure really pushes the minimum standards of AASHTO. Minimum things are not that comfortable to bike in. ]

By Bikeyface

Bike are a popular present for Christmas. And no doubt many kids are jumping with excitement about their new bicycles right now. However, very soon they will get wise to the nature of the world.

Someplace to Ride

Someplace to Ride

Someplace to Ride

Yep, within a few months they’ll know what they want next Christmas.

Someplace to Ride

So let’s help deliver it to them this year.


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