Anne Arundel cyclist killed in hit and run

The Washcycle has an excellent article on this crash which I'll highlight just a bit:

“Certain stretches of roads should really be just for vehicles,” [police spokesman Justin] Mulcahy said.

Dave Humphreys, executive director of Annapolis Regional Transportation Management Association, deals with transportation issues all over the county. With the heavy amount of traffic on Ritchie and Crain highways, he said the accidents involving Hernandez and Garcia were “sadly not unexpected.”

“Those are very, very unfriendly bike roads,” he said. “I wouldn’t ride my bike up there.”

Mulcahy seems to be blaming these cyclists for the crashes, instead of traffic engineers for failing to build complete streets. If the roads are only safe for driving, and some people can't drive - then those people are just going to get hurt.

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