Encourage bicycle travel with more dedicated lanes

I am a member of the Boy Scouts of America, and I am writing to you about how Columbia should advance its pathway system. We have a great community, and far better pathways than most cities, but the cycling community is growing, and it would be beneficial to Columbia to add more places for bicycles to travel.

Gas prices are going through the roof, and more people who have relatively close jobs are switching to biking to work. Other countries have made cycling one of the main modes of transportation, and it is working very well. We need to start making that switch for ourselves. With the increased number of cyclists, we should have more paths by the roads or, for road cyclists, a bike lane on the shoulder.

<a href="http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-07-13/explore/ph-ho-cf-letter-mogren-20110713_1_bike-lane-bicycle-travel-pathway-system">http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2011-07-13/explore/ph-ho-cf-letter-mogren-20110713_1_bike-lane-bicycle-travel-pathway-system</a>;

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