OMG You are going to die if you bike there

This article from the Harold Mall really bothers me. Besides the fact that they treat some random caller as an expert in the field it's how we look at motorists here in Maryland. It's like they are the mafia, above the law and out to do harm to anyone who gets in their way. Why do we accept such tolerance of uncivilized behavior?

Who can fix it: The police! We need to crack down on speeding, aggressive driving, distracted driving and enforce all traffic laws in general. To many people look at the above picture and say to themselves, "Cyclists are going to get killed there so no one should bicycle." rather then saying "That motorist really should be driving better then that or they should not be allowed to drive at all."

But shouldn't we have tolerance for minor infractions, after all we all make a minor mistake from time to time? Well there is two problems with that; 1) We have evolved to the point where only "serious" infractions are enforced like driving drunk and going 25mph above the speed limit, anything less then that we tolerate, 2) What the heck is wrong with giving warnings? Don't get me wrong as a cyclists I would love to see some drivers in jail for harassing me or my kids or maybe just impound their car for a month so they realize that driving is a privilege and the whole point behind licensing and insurance is because people need to be held responsible for incorrect handling of a machine that kills way too many people. It is not an American right to drive irresponsibly and put other lives in jeopardy, to that end at the very least the police should give warnings.

The above bicycle accommodation is recommended by AASHTO and I really like it as well. It reinforces that bicycles are vehicles and we need to yield to motoring traffic just as much as motoring traffic needs to yield to us. No one has the right to travel totally unencumbered by other road users. We all need to follow the standard rules of the road and no that does not mean it's bicyclists responsibility to get the hell out of the way of cars. It means we all need to treat each other with respect and courtesy.

Please comment on this article if you support this kind of bicycle accommodation as I would like to say "thank you" to SHA for their efforts in accommodating bicyclists and I would love to see at least as many positive comments as the below referenced article has negative. Reference:What's wrong with this picture?

by B' Spokes

Like most people I live a hectic life and who has the time for much exercise? Thanks to xtracycle now I do. By using my bike for daily activities I can get things done and get an hour plus work out in 15 minutes extra of my time, not a bad deal and beats taking the extra time going to the gym. In case you are still having trouble being motivated; the National Center of Disease Control says that inactivity is the #2 killer in the United States just behind smoking. ( ) Get out there and start living life! I can carry home a full shopping cart of groceries, car pool two kids or just get lost in the great outdoors camping for a week. Well I got go, another outing this weekend.
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I've seen that type of accommodation in Delaware, but not so much in Maryland. Route 40 East (Pulaski Hwy) is my daily bicycle commuting route from Essex to Aberdeen. It desperately needs this type of accommodation since there are many right-turn-only-lanes up and down Route 40. -- Isaias O'Daniell
From our mail bag:
From -JM

I'm glad you put in "Baltimore Spokes" the loud mouths' , Move aside or you die bicyclists, criticism of best engineering practices on RT 40 at Edgewood Dr. I'm familiar with the intersection and wrote the Hagerstown "Herald Mall" stating that putting the bikelane between the thru lane & right turn only lane is the correct approach. I also wrote Maryland Highway Safety Office. See letters below.

The Md public needs education on sharing the road. (The coarse Montgomery Cty people have moved into Washington Cty and have brought their meanness with them). People in my neighborhood, incl councilwoman Rikki Spector, think the Sharrows on Clarks Lane should be placed next to parked cars, instead of about 3' away. Fortunately, I was present at the SNAP meeting to defend their placement. Bicyclists will have to speak up.

It is irresponsible for a newsletter to fan the thoughts of mean motorists, especially the picture. There will always be crackpots, but newspapers shouldn't support them.

----- Forwarded Message ----

To: Maryland Highway Safety Office

I support SHA's adhering to best engineering practices and following AASHTO Guidelines, by placing the bicycle lane on Route 40 between the righthand thru lane and the right turn only lane onto Edgewood Dr, in Hagerstown. I am familiar with this intersection. Like roundabouts, people will adjust to this logical traffic pattern that keeps bicyclists out of the way

of right turning traffic. I applaud SHA Spokesman Charlie Gischlar for explaining why the bikelane was placed this way and for emphasizing the importance of care and attentiveness for drivers and bicyclists.

----- Forwarded Message ----

To: Herald

This new bicycle lane, between RT 40's thru and right turn only lane onto Edgewood Drive, follows Federal design guidelines. Motorists on Route 40 preparing to turn right onto Edgewood Drive need to pay attention, yield to bicyclists on their right, and move into the right turn only lane before the intersection. Placing the bike lane to the right of the right turn only lane would have put the bicyclists in the path of right turning traffic. Please pay attention, watch blind spots before merging, and be patient. Once people get used to this logical traffic pattern , it becomes second nature.

I applaud State Highway's larger initiative to accommodate all highway users and to encourage bicycling as a green and healthful form of alternative transportation. Although I live in Baltimore, I look forward to spending a few days each year bicycling in beautiful Washington County and visiting Hagerstown. The Baltimore Bicycle Club stays in Hagerstown hotels and patronizes local restaurants for their annual October Washington County Getaway.

- JM