KDOT Transportation Enhancement Program

[B' Spokes: to contrast Maryland; 16 projects for the next *six* years at a cost of $20 million (at an average of 5 projects and $3 million a year.) Also note that Maryland requires a 50% local match "to make the money go farther" like that's working real well. And as noted previously we have enough Transportation Enhancement money in the bank to do all 16 projects *this year* with NO local match.]

The Kansas Department of Transportation has chosen 18 projects for its transportation enhancement program through fiscal year 2012, at a cost of $14.8 million.

KDOT received 55 applications from local governments. For the 18 selected projects, a minimum of 20% of their cost must come from the applicant.

<a href="http://www.knssradio.com/KDOT-Transportation-Enhancement-Program/7873500">http://www.knssradio.com/KDOT-Transportation-Enhancement-Program/7873500</a>;

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Baltimore Spokes