2010 Street Smart Campaign Materials


I have been very critical of the local Street Smart campaign due in part of an over emphasis on responsibility (duty?) of pedestrians to avoid being hit by cars. Even in the above pic IMHO the coffee cup should be in the drivers hands not the pedestrians, which is not to say we don't have idiot pedestrians here but when bikes and peds are treated as second class roadway users by too many of the motoring public and with distracted driving being a major problem, we need motorists to wake up and realize roads are used by all types of people and no ones hurry maters more then someone else's hurry.

So I have in part an apology to make, they are producing material for drivers, below is "Day 2 email blast." (Though their web site should be more descriptive then this.):

and tips for drivers around cyclists (titled Day 4 Email blast):
image And finally tips for cyclists (titled Day 3 Email blast):
image image


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