2010 Benchmarking report

State Overview of Primary Benchmarking Indicators (or 196 pages in 3)

Mode Share - Middle 1/3 among states
Safety - Bottom 1/3 among states
Funding - Bottom 1/3 among states
Staffing - Top 1/3 among states
Bike/Ped Policies - Top 1/3 among states
Advocacy Capacity - data unavailable

Mode Share - Top 1/3 among states
Safety - Top 1/3 among states
Funding - Middle 1/3 among states
Staffing - Middle 1/3 among states
Bike/Ped Policies - Bottom 1/3 among states
Advocacy Capacity - Bottom 1/3 among states

High to Low Ranking of Bicycling and Walking Levels
Maryland 32 out of 50 - Baltimore 11 out of 51

Low to High Ranking of Bike/Ped Fatality Rates
Maryland 35 out of 50 - Baltimore 13 out of 51

High to Low Ranking of Per Capita Funding to Bike/Ped
Maryland 45 out of 50 - Baltimore 33 out 51

Bicycle Safety RANKING
Maryland 36 out of 50 - Baltimore 27 out of 51

Pedestrian Safety RANKING
Maryland 35 out of 50 - Baltimore 10 out of 51

Cycling to Work
Maryland 46 out of 50 - Baltimore 35 out of 51

Walking to Work
Maryland 29 out of 50 - Baltimore 7 out of 51

Estimated Percent of All Trips by Bicycle and Foot
Maryland Bike:0.3 Walk:10.5 - Baltimore Bike:0.7 Walk:11.4
Average Bike:0.90 Walk:8.7(1) - Average Bike:0.94 Walk:11.0

Maryland (National Average):
Annual reported bicycle fatalities 7.0 (15.0)
Bicycle fatalities per 10K bicyclists 6.9 (5.2)
% Of all traffic fatalities that are bicyclists 1.1% (1.8%)
% Of bicycle fatalities Under age 16 - 24% (16%)
% Of bicycle fatalities Over age 60 - 0% (10%)

Maryland (National Average):
Annual reported pedestrian fatalities 104.3 (95.3)
Ped. fatalities per 10K peds 7.3 (5.6)
% Of all traffic fatalities that are pedestrians 16.6% (11.3%)
% Of pedestrian fatalities Under age 16 - 8% (8%)
% Of pedestrian fatalities Over age 60 - 14% (20%)

Baltimore (Major City Average):
Annual reported bicycle fatalities 0.7 (2.4)
Bicycle fatalities per 10K bicyclists 3.3 (3.3)
% Of all traffic fatalities that are bicyclists 1.6% (3.0%)
% Of bicycle fatalities Under age 16 - 50% (13%)
% Of bicycle fatalities Over age 60 - 0% (9%)

Annual reported pedestrian fatalities 15.0 (20.1)
Ped. fatalities per 10K peds 3.4 (4.6)
% Of all traffic fatalities that are pedestrians 36.0% (26.5%)
% Of pedestrian fatalities Under age 16 - 11.1% (7.4%)
% Of pedestrian fatalities Over age 60 - 15.6% (21.2%)

Percent of Transportation Enhancement Funding to Bike/Ped by State Maryland dead last (pg 76)

"Most TE funding (48%) goes toward bicycling and walking facilities, education, and safety. States vary greatly on how they spend their TE dollars. New Hampshire dedicates the greatest percentage of TE funds to bicycling and walking (94%) while Maryland dedicates the smallest share to bicycling and walking (13%)." (pg 76)

Bike/Ped Funding in Cities - Baltimore (Major City Average)
to bike/ped projects/yr. $569,206 ($1,121,104)
Per capita $0.89 ( $1.49)
% of federal transportation $ to bike/ped 0.9% (1.1%)

Baltimore (Major City Average)
Number of full-time equivalent 1.5 (3.6)
Staff/ 1 million people 2.4 (3.9)
Number of full-time equivalent (Police on bikes) 44.0 (40.4)
Bicycle police/ million people 69.0 (55.6)
Percent of force trained on bicycles ø (19%)
Number of full-time equivalent (Police on foot) 284 (184)
Foot police/million people 446 (24)

Baltimore (Major City Average)
On-street bike lanes 30 (99)
Multi-use paths 36 (59)
Signed bicycle routes 10 (98)
Facility miles / sq. mile 2007 bicycle facilities 0.3 (1.2)
Facility miles / sq. mile Current (2009) bicycle facilities 0.9 (1.6)
Facility miles / sq. mile Planned bike/ped facilities 0.1 (2.7)
Parking Spaces per 10K people 0.1 (22.5)

As of January 2009, the following cities were not served by a dedicated local Alliance advocacy organization: Arlington, Baltimore, ...

Public Health Baltimore (Major City Average)
% population overweight 63% (61%)
% population obese 27% (25%)
% adults w/ 30+ min physical activity 49% (49%)
% adults ever told have diabetes 8% (8%)
% adults ever told have asthma 9% (8%)
% adults ever told have hypertension 30% (26%)

Maryland One Less Car (1) This organization did not provide data for this report and thus was not included in report illustrations and comparisons.

Bicycle to Work Levels Baltimore
1990 761
2000 824
2005 1,018
2006 552
2007 824

Bicycle to Work Levels Maryland
1990 4,715
2000 4,843
2005 4,744
2006 7,545
2007 5,006

Walking to Work Levels Baltimore
1990 22,906
2000 17,727
2005 13,819
2006 20,549
2007 18,302

Walking to Work Levels Maryland
1990 83,417
2000 64,852
2005 56,401
2006 73,327
2007 71,127

Source: <a href="http://www.peoplepoweredmovement.org/site/index.php/site/benchmarkingdownload/">http://www.peoplepoweredmovement.org/site/index.php/site/benchmarkingdownload/</a>;

by B' Spokes

Like most people I live a hectic life and who has the time for much exercise? Thanks to xtracycle now I do. By using my bike for daily activities I can get things done and get an hour plus work out in 15 minutes extra of my time, not a bad deal and beats taking the extra time going to the gym. In case you are still having trouble being motivated; the National Center of Disease Control says that inactivity is the #2 killer in the United States just behind smoking. ( http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/bb_nutrition/ ) Get out there and start living life! I can carry home a full shopping cart of groceries, car pool two kids or just get lost in the great outdoors camping for a week. Well I got go, another outing this weekend.
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