German kiddie traffic court

I've head about this program there where police set-up a speed trap in front of a school, and when they pull over drivers, the motorist has to go before a journey of juniors and example why s/he was speeding.

This is what my friend who told me about it said:

A group of young kids plus a police officer, and I assume a teacher or other chaperone, stands on the sidewalk near a school. The police pull over speeders. Instead of giving them regular speeding tickets, they're forced to explain to the group of kids why they were speeding in front of the school. I don't remember whether the kids deliberated and decided whether or not to give the drivers real or fake tickets. Perhaps they made them take literature on why speeding is bad. Since they're small kids, I'm guessing they probably weren't outside for too long. I may also be misremembering, but I seem to recall that many of the drivers sent to kiddie court were parents of kids at the school. I would think that this would be much more effective than doing it somewhere away from the school, because they will be reminded of the experience every time they see these kids again at the school.

An article (translated from German) on this subject.
<a href=";sl%C3%9E&amp;u=;ei=JUoTSvCML4WHtgfBseSeBA&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=translate&amp;resnum=1&amp;ct=result&amp;prev=/search%3Fq%3D">;sl%C3%9E&amp;u=;ei=JUoTSvCML4WHtgfBseSeBA&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=translate&amp;resnum=1&amp;ct=result&amp;prev=/search%3Fq%3D</a>;

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