The lack of public access to Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

MBPAC exists by State statue (Transportation § 2-606) and its discrepancies with the Open Meetings Act.

It has come to my attention that there was a meeting discussing State shoulder striping policy (more info follows on why we should be concerned with this policy) with no public notice. While I was given opportunity to comment after the fact via email the lack of pre-notification concerns me as I feel this is part part of an ongoing problem, MBPAC subcommittee meetings and agenda\'s (where most of the work is done) are NOT public, the minutes from those meetings are NOT public, the agenda for upcoming MBPAC meetings are NOT made public but are only available by special request and only for the next meeting. Per Micheal Jackson, this is per his boss\' orders. IMHO this is going way overboard, what opportunities do exist for the public should be encouraged not discouraged. As a reporter and a representative of not only the BBC but of the BRTB BPAG as well, the fact that MBPAC is not willing to accommodate my interest in what MBPAC is doing is very disconcerting. My time is limited so I can\'t always participate and for the most part I trust what the committee members are doing but the lack of NOT even being informed what MBPAC is doing and general poor communication at this level should not be tolerated. Additionally it would be nice if a visitor gets quoted in the minutes they should be given a chance to comment on the draft before going public with it. (I will note that it is good to see the MBPAC meeting minutes going on-line, one positive thing anyway but the last two meetings (4 months) are not up yet, real timely information. :( )

§ 10-501. Legislative policy.
(a) In general.- It is essential to the maintenance of a democratic society that, except in special and appropriate circumstances:
(1) public business be performed in an open and public manner; and
(2) citizens be allowed to observe:
(i) the performance of public officials; and
(ii) the deliberations and decisions that the making of public policy involves.
(b) Accountability; faith; effectiveness.-
(1) The ability of the public, its representatives, and the media to attend, report on, and broadcast meetings of public bodies and to witness the phases of the deliberation, policy formation, and decision making of public bodies ensures the accountability of government to the citizens of the State.
(2) The conduct of public business in open meetings increases the faith of the public in government and enhances the effectiveness of the public in fulfilling its role in a democratic society.
(c) Public policy.- Except in special and appropriate circumstances when meetings of public bodies may be closed under this subtitle, it is the public policy of the State that the public be provided with adequate notice of the time and location of meetings of public bodies, which shall be held in places reasonably accessible to individuals who would like to attend these meetings.

The Director of Bicycle and Pedestrian Access (Micheal Jackson) comments about shoulder striping policy is highly disconcerting, while it could be some details are missing to make his position understandable that is sort of the point of this complaint, granting public access helps put comments in context if that indeed is the issue. I have included a link to my response to the email that was forwarded to me though I cut out a lot of the middle conversation (mostly because it was a lot of trouble to hide email addresses.) <a href=""></a>;

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