I had a really neat one today.

[From Bike Forums:]

While riding thru a downtown area, with very light traffic. I was in the right hand lane of a 4 lane street, about 4' off the car doors. A young (considering my 62) woman came roaring up behind me, layed on the horn, and yelled something profane at me as she passed. I almost yelled back, but she went by too quickly.

The really cool part, was that she failed to recognize the bicycle cop next to her in the other lane, waiting to turn left....

He flipped on his go fast lights, and siren, (color me surprised!)and pulled her over about a block down the street, when she caught the next red - and then stopped me too as I rode by. He just wanted my name and phone number as a witness, to add to her summons for aggressive driving.....

We do have a fair sized contingent of bicycle cops in the town where I frequently ride, see them on the trails, parks, and downtown areas frequently. They always wave, and exchange pleasantries.

That had to be the coolest thing I ever saw happen!!!!!!!

I sure hope I get to go to court!!!!!!!

<a href="http://www.bikeforums.net/showpost.php?p=7319351&amp;postcount=2">http://www.bikeforums.net/showpost.php?p=7319351&amp;postcount=2</a>;

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