BALTIMORE truly sucks

[Comment from mod: We encourage everyone to report problems and issues in the Baltimore area. These reports ARE used to at least help make sure that steps are taken so the problems are reduced.]

I have been here in Baltimore for three years and bike almost daily to Johns Hopkins East Baltimore campus. During this time, I have been assaulted 6 times with fists, rubber bullets, rocks.... have also gotten a bike stolen from inner harbor with a security camera right on top of it.

By the way I am from Pakistan. Never saw any violence whatsoever in Pakistan. The first time I was ever assaulted was in Baltimore. Don't think I am a cry baby I still defy the assholes/ terrorists of Baltimore and bike daily to campus because if I don't these mfu*** have won. anyways, I have gotten used to all of the violence.

My advice to all the avid bikers out there

1. if you see more than one teenager approaching you, RUN. these punks attack you in groups.

2. never stop at a red light unless theres traffic approaching

3. don't bother calling the cops if you get assaulted. they will laugh it off. just suck it up

4. always carry a spare tube in case you have a puncture

5. Bike at odd hours, very early in the morning or really late at night becase the assholes also need to get some sleep.

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