What's the best way to accommodate bicyclists?

<img width="160" height="106" align="left" src="http://www.baltimorespokes.org/images/articles/20050802212958597_1.jpg" alt="">Transportation professionals and advocates don't always agree on the answer to this common question. Is a bike lane better than a path or a wider lane with no stripe? There is no simple answer and a lot depends on the unique circumstances of a particular roadway in a particular community. But, by reviewing more than 20 bicycle facility selection guides from the US and other countries, consultant Michael King's latest report for the PBIC suggests that there are indeed some common ranges or parameters within which different bicycle facility types seem to work best. Intro: <a href="http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/de/bike_selection.htm">http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/de/bike_selection.htm</a>;
Full report: <a href="http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/pdf/bikeguide.pdf">http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/pdf/bikeguide.pdf</a>;

by B' Spokes

Like most people I live a hectic life and who has the time for much exercise? Thanks to xtracycle now I do. By using my bike for daily activities I can get things done and get an hour plus work out in 15 minutes extra of my time, not a bad deal and beats taking the extra time going to the gym. In case you are still having trouble being motivated; the National Center of Disease Control says that inactivity is the #2 killer in the United States just behind smoking. ( http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/bb_nutrition/ ) Get out there and start living life! I can carry home a full shopping cart of groceries, car pool two kids or just get lost in the great outdoors camping for a week. Well I got go, another outing this weekend.
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